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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PZM, HDS, HDR, HDS, PZFX, HED, PZF, HEX, PXY

File Type:GraphPad Prism project file
Category:Data file
File Description:GraphPad Prism project file (version 3 and earlier)
Open Programs:

GraphPad Prism

Company / developer:
  GraphPad Software, Inc.

GraphPad Prism - analyze, graph and organize your data

Prism is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting (nonlinear regression) and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program.
Designed for the practical scientist, Prism does not expect you to be a statistician. It guides you through each analysis - giving you as much help as you need - and tracks and organizes your work like no other program available.
You can concentrate on your data, not fight with your software.

Curve fitting
Prism fits the curve, displays the results as a table, and draws the curve on the graph.
It also gives you many advanced fitting options - automatically interpolate unknown values from a standard curve (i.e., to analyze RIA data), compare two equations with an F test or Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), and plot residuals.

Prism lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers.
It offers tests, nonparametric comparisons, one- and two-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, analysis of contingency tables, and survival analysis.

Scientific graphing
Prism makes a wide variety of 2D scientific graphs, giving you all the features you need - including automatic error bars, log axes, discontinuous axes, Greek letters and much more.

Organizing experiments
Prism understands the links between data and analyses, and stores your related data, analysis results, graphs, layouts and notes in one efficient project file.

File Type:Parallels file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Parallels.
Open Programs:

Parallels Desktop for Mac

Company / developer:

Parallels Desktop for Mac

Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac provides the complete essentials for an easy, fast and powerful way to run Windows on your Mac:

- Use Coherence mode to run windows applications right on Mac desktop to break the barriers between Windows and Mac.
- Optimize your Windows-on-Mac experience with a turbo-charged virtualization engine.
- Run 3D graphics at blazing speeds with DirectX 9.0, DirectX Pixel Shaders 2.0, and OpenGL 2.0 support.
- Get $175 complementary software in a complete protection suite to optimize Windows disk space and safeguard your computer and data.
- A variety of SmartX technologies - have instant, automatic access to your data from any OS.
- New PowerSave feature will extent battery life up to 20% longer.
- And of course you get tons of other new features and programs free, including Parallels Compressor, Parallels Image Tools, Acronis True Image Home, Parallels Internet Security 2009 powered by Kaspersky, iPhone application, Parallels Explorer, Security Manager and others.

File Type:Procomm Plus message header
Category:Data file
File Description:Procomm Plus/1st Reader message header. File extension used by Procomm Plus.
Open Programs:

Procomm Plus

Company / developer:
  Symantec Corporation

Procomm Plus

There's more to the Internet than surfing sites, downloading music, and buying stuff. Procomm Plus, a must-have shareware application back in the pre-Web days, still fulfills its functions of old, allowing users to telnet (which is useful for, say, configuring a router), dial in to BBS's (bulletin board systems for the uninitiated; these used to be the equivalent of personal Web pages and download servers), and more. In addition, Procomm Plus is a powerful terminal emulator, offering support for three dozen terminals. It also features a fax applet, FTP ability, an e-mail program, and even a Usenet news reader.

File Type:XMap hierarchical dataset file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by XMap. Dataset file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Xmap offers a powerful set of tools for efficiently managing XMap GIS databases and for providing field technicians with streamlined access to critical data layers.
This powerful and easy-to-use GIS software is interoperable with ESRI, MapInfo & AutoCAD file formats.

File Type:GraphPad Prism project file in XML format
Category:Data file
File Description:GraphPad Prism project file in XML format
Open Programs:

GraphPad Prism

Company / developer:
  GraphPad Software, Inc.

GraphPad Prism - analyze, graph and organize your data

Prism is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting (nonlinear regression) and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program.
Designed for the practical scientist, Prism does not expect you to be a statistician. It guides you through each analysis - giving you as much help as you need - and tracks and organizes your work like no other program available.
You can concentrate on your data, not fight with your software.

Curve fitting
Prism fits the curve, displays the results as a table, and draws the curve on the graph.
It also gives you many advanced fitting options - automatically interpolate unknown values from a standard curve (i.e., to analyze RIA data), compare two equations with an F test or Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), and plot residuals.

Prism lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers.
It offers tests, nonparametric comparisons, one- and two-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, analysis of contingency tables, and survival analysis.

Scientific graphing
Prism makes a wide variety of 2D scientific graphs, giving you all the features you need - including automatic error bars, log axes, discontinuous axes, Greek letters and much more.

Organizing experiments
Prism understands the links between data and analyses, and stores your related data, analysis results, graphs, layouts and notes in one efficient project file.

File Type:ReliaSoft RG file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by ReliaSoft.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  ReliaSoft Corporation


ReliaSoft’s RGA software combines the most comprehensive and powerful reliability growth analysis (RG analysis) software with fielded repairable system analysis capabilities for determining the optimum overhaul time and other results without the detailed data sets that would normally be required.

The development of RGA was a joint effort between ReliaSoft Corporation and Dr. Larry Crow, the leading authority in the field of reliability growth analysis, along with key development partners in government and industry (including the U.S. Navy and John Deere). This collaboration has resulted in an application-oriented software package with all of the major reliability growth analysis models, plus formulations that are not available anywhere else.

File Type:GraphPad Prism project file
Category:Data file
File Description:GraphPad Prism project file (version 4 and later).
Open Programs:

GraphPad Prism

Company / developer:
  GraphPad Software, Inc.

GraphPad Prism - analyze, graph and organize your data

Prism is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting (nonlinear regression) and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program.
Designed for the practical scientist, Prism does not expect you to be a statistician. It guides you through each analysis - giving you as much help as you need - and tracks and organizes your work like no other program available.
You can concentrate on your data, not fight with your software.

Curve fitting
Prism fits the curve, displays the results as a table, and draws the curve on the graph.
It also gives you many advanced fitting options - automatically interpolate unknown values from a standard curve (i.e., to analyze RIA data), compare two equations with an F test or Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), and plot residuals.

Prism lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers.
It offers tests, nonparametric comparisons, one- and two-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, analysis of contingency tables, and survival analysis.

Scientific graphing
Prism makes a wide variety of 2D scientific graphs, giving you all the features you need - including automatic error bars, log axes, discontinuous axes, Greek letters and much more.

Organizing experiments
Prism understands the links between data and analyses, and stores your related data, analysis results, graphs, layouts and notes in one efficient project file.

File Type:Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (START) update file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (START).
Open Programs:

Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool

Company / developer:

File Type:Topocad file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Topocad.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Chaos Systems AB

Topocad is the CAD system for survey, mapping, design and GIS. It contains several modules.

  • Topocad Base Module
  • Topocad GIS modules
  • Topocad design modules
  • Topocad Field
  • Topocad database connector - for ArcGIS
File Type:HyperChem molecule file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by HyperChem. Molecule file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Hypercube, Inc.


HyperChem is a sophisticated molecular modeling environment that is known for its quality, flexibility, and ease of use. Uniting 3D visualization and animation with quantum chemical calculations, molecular mechanics, and dynamics, HyperChem puts more molecular modeling tools at your fingertips than any other Windows program.

Our newest version, HyperChem Release 8.0, is a full 32-bit application, developed for the Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, and Vista operating systems. HyperChem Release 8.0 incorporates even more powerful computational chemistry tools than ever before, as well as supporting multiple third-party applications. Its drawing and rendering capabilities and ease of use are standards for the industry.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC